
A means of quickly generating binomial random variables while only storing a small number of distributions.

Quick check for theory:

If we want to generate binomial random variables of various trial counts (n’s) using the Distribution class, we’d have to create a new Distribution for each unique trial count.

This class leverages the fact that B(n, p) + B(m, p) = B(n + m, p) to calculate binomial draws with arbitrary trail counts without storing N distributions. By storing distributions for powers of 2, we only store log_2(N) distributions.

Developor Notes:

  • We should come up with a more informative name for the file/class


Status: ALPHA

namespace emp
class CombinedBinomialDistribution
#include <CombinedBinomialDistribution.hpp>

A collection of distributions that allows for pulls from a binomial distribution with arbitrary N while only storing log_2(N) distributions.

Public Functions

inline CombinedBinomialDistribution()
inline CombinedBinomialDistribution(double _p, size_t _starting_n)
inline size_t PickRandom(size_t n, Random &random)

Sample a binomial distribution with n events.

inline void Setup(double _p, size_t _n)

Reset the distribution with a new probability, p, and a starting n value.

inline void Expand(size_t max_n)

Create more distributions to handle the given value of n.

inline size_t GetCurMaxPower()

Fetch the current maximum power handled by this combined distribution.

Protected Functions

inline size_t GetMaxPower(size_t n) const

Fetch the smallest power of two that is larger than N.

Protected Attributes

vector<Binomial> distribution_vec

The collection of binomial distributions used to construct any N

double p

The success probability of a single Bernoulli trial.

size_t cur_max_power

The maximum power of two currently supported by our distributions