
Macros to build a pre-processor calculator system. Status: RELEASE.

Working macros include: EMP_INC(A) : converts to result of A+1 EMP_DEC(A) : converts to result of A-1 EMP_SHIFTL(A) : converts to result of A*2 EMP_SHIFTR(A) : converts to result of A/2

EMP_ADD(A,B) : converts to result of A+B EMP_SUB(A,B) : converts to result of A-B EMP_MULT(A,B) : converts to result of A*B EMP_DIV(A,B) : converts to result of A/B EMP_MOD(A,B) : converts to result of AB EMP_LOG2(A) : converts to (int) log2(A)

EMP_NOT(X) : Logical NOT EMP_AND(X, Y) : Logical AND EMP_OR(X, Y) : Logical OR EMP_NAND(X, Y) : Logical NAND EMP_NOR(X, Y) : Logical NOR EMP_XOR(X, Y) : Logical XOR

EMP_COUNT_ONES(A) : count the number of ones in the binary representation of A

EMP_IF(TEST, T, F) examines the first argument; if it’s 0, it resolves to the third argument, otherwise it resolves to the second argument.

The core idea behind these macros is that we can use brute-force to convert numbers to binary, but once there we can easily perform math on them, or convert them to yet other forms.

Representations include: DEC - Standard decimal values (e.g., 91) BIN - Binary numbers, with bits separated by commas (e.g. 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ) SUM - Like BIN, but stored as zero or magnitude. (e.g., 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 16, 8, 0, 2, 1 ) PACK - Like SUM, but without zeros and in parens (e.g., (64,16,8,2,1) ) HEX - Hexidecimal representation (e.g., 0x5B) [todo]