
Specs for the Selector widget.

A Selector widget provides the user with a pull-down menu. It can be examined at any time (via GetSelectID()) or else alerts call a designated function when a particular option is chosen.

UI::Selector sel(“sel”);

sel.SetOption(“Option 1”); sel.SetOption(“Option B”, TriggerB) ; sel.SetOption(“Option the Third”, [](){ Alert(“3 chosen!”} ); sel.SetOption(“Option IV”);

In this example, the second option will call TriggerB when it is chosen, while the third option will call the provided lambda function.

class Selector : public internal::WidgetFacet<Selector>
#include <Selector.hpp>

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = SelectorInfo

Public Functions

inline Selector(const std::string &in_id = "")
inline Selector(const Selector &in)
inline Selector(const Widget &in)
inline virtual ~Selector()
inline size_t GetSelectID() const

Get the ID of the currently active selection.

inline size_t GetNumOptions() const

Get the total number of options setup in the selector.

inline const std::string &GetOption(size_t id) const

Get the label associated with a specific option ID.

inline bool HasAutofocus() const

Determine if the selector has autofocus.

inline bool IsDisabled() const

Is the selector currently disabled?

inline Selector &SelectID(size_t id)

Set a specific ID as currently active.

inline Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, const std::function<void()> &in_cb)

Add a new option to the selector and the function to be called if it is chosen.

inline Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, const std::function<void()> &in_cb, size_t opt_id)

Add an option to the selector associated with a specific ID (and the function to be called if it is chosen)

inline Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option)

Set a selector option name, but no function to be called.

inline Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, size_t opt_id)

Set a specific selection option name, determined by the ID, but no function to call.

inline Selector &Autofocus(bool in_af)

Update autofocus setting.

inline Selector &Disabled(bool in_dis)

Update disabled status.

Protected Functions

inline SelectorInfo *Info()
inline const SelectorInfo *Info() const
inline Selector(SelectorInfo *in_info)


friend class SelectorInfo