.. vim: set filetype=rst ################################################################### Empirical -- A library of tools for scientific software development ################################################################### :Authors: Charles Ofria, Emily Dolson, Alex Lalejini, Jacob Fenton :GitHub: https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical Empirical is a library of tools for scientific software development with an emphasis on being able to build web interfaces using Mozilla's Emscripten compiler. The project goal is to improve the accessibility and reproducibility of the computational research. Emprical is a C++ project though it uses Python for development infrastructure. The developer documentation is for contributing to the Emscripten project and the user documentation is for those wanting to incorporate the Emscripten library into their own projects. Contents: .. toctree:: :caption: Using Empirical :maxdepth: 2 QuickStartGuides/index library/base/base library/data/data library/web/web library/tools/tools Full Class/Namespace Hierarchy <../_build/html/index.html#http://> .. toctree:: :caption: Contributing dev/getting-started dev/contribution-guidelines-and-review dev/adding-documentation dev/guide-to-testing :ref:`genindex`