Web Tools (for use with Emscripten)


Manage animations on a web site.

To build an animation, you must provide a function to be run repeatedly. When Start() is triggered, the function will be called 60 time per second (or as close as possible), until Stop() is caled.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Animate
#include <Animate.h>

An object that, when active, repeatedly calls a function as fast as possible, to a maximum of 60 frames per second.

Parameters to the animation function can be:

  • double (representing time since the last frame)
  • a const reference to the animation object itself
  • nothing

Control methods: void Start() void Stop() void Step() void ToggleActive()

Access methods: bool GetActive() const bool GetDoStep() const double GetStartTime() const double GetPrevTime() const double GetCurTime() const double GetStepTime() const double GetRunTime() const int GetFrameCount() const

Config methods: void SetCallback(const std::function<void(const Animate &)> & fun) void SetCallback(const std::function<void(double)> & fun) void SetCallback(const std::function<void()> & fun)

Public Functions


Setup an Animate object to call an anim_fun as fast as possible, at most 60 times a second. Call virtual function DoFrame() if no other functon is provided (which can be overridden if you derive a new class from Animate)

template <typename... W_TYPES>
Animate(const anim_fun_t &fun, W_TYPES&... targets)

Construct an Animate object with the function to run each animation step and zero or more UI elements that should be updated after each frame.

template <typename... W_TYPES>
Animate(const std::function<void(double)> &fun, W_TYPES&... targets, )
template <typename... W_TYPES>
Animate(const std::function<void()> &funW_TYPES&... targets, )
virtual ~Animate()
Animate(const Animate&)

Do not copy animations directly.

Animate &operator=(const Animate&)
void Start()

Start this animation running.

void Stop()

Halt this animation for now.

void Step()

Take a single step in this animation.

void ToggleActive()

Toggle whether this animation is running or paused.

bool GetActive() const

Determine if this animation is currently running.

bool GetDoStep() const

Determine if this animation is currently in the process of running a single step.

double GetStartTime() const

Return the time point that this animation started MOST RECENTLY.

double GetPrevTime() const

Determine the time point when this animation last updated a frame.

double GetCurTime() const

Get the current time of the animation.

double GetStepTime() const

Determine how long the last step between frames took.

double GetRunTime() const

Determine the total amount of time that this animation has run.

int GetFrameCount() const

Determine how many total frames have existed thus far in this animation.

void SetCallback(const anim_fun_t &fun)

Set a new function for this animation to call when running that takes a const reference to the Animation object as an argument.

void SetCallback(const std::function<void(double)> &fun)

Set a new function for this animation to call when running that takes the amount of time since the last frame (a double) as an argument.

void SetCallback(const std::function<void()> &fun)

Set a new function for this animation to call when running that takes no arguments.

Button GetToggleButton(const std::string &but_name, const std::string &start_label = "Start", const std::string &stop_label = "Stop")

Get a toggle button that will start/stop this animation.

  • but_name: The HTML identifier used for this button.
  • start_label: The name on the button when it will start the animation (default=”Start”)
  • stop_label: The name on the button when it will halt the animation (default=”Stop”)

Button GetStepButton(const std::string &but_name, const std::string &label = "Step")

Get a step button that will advance this animation one frame.

  • but_name: The HTML identifier used for this button.
  • label: The name shown on the button.

Protected Types

using anim_fun_t = std::function<void(const Animate&)>

The full version of the animate function takes a const reference to the animate object.

Protected Functions

void LoadTargets()
template <typename... T>
void LoadTargets(const web::Widget &target1, const T&... other_targets)
void AdvanceFrame()
virtual void DoFrame()

DoFrame() is called by default if no animation function is provided. As such, an animation can be built by deriving a class from Animate and overriding this function.

Protected Attributes

anim_fun_t anim_fun

Function to repeatedly run for animation.

emp::vector<web::Widget> targets

What widgets should be refreshed after each frame?

bool active

Is this animation currently running?

bool do_step

Should this animation take just a single step?

size_t callback_id

Intenral ID for javascript to call back AdvanceFrame()

double start_time

At what time did this animation most recently start?

double prev_time

What was the time point of the previous frame?

double cur_time

What time did the current frame start?

double run_time

How much run time has accumulated?

int frame_count

How many animation frames have gone by?

Button toggle_but

A button to start/stop this animation.

Button step_but

A button to advance this animation one step.


An Attributes class for tracking non-style features about HTML objects.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Attributes
#include <Attributes.h>

Maintains a map of attribute names to values for use in JavaScript Closely related to Style.h, which is for CSS-values.

Public Functions

Attributes(const Attributes&)
Attributes &operator=(const Attributes&)
int GetSize() const

Return a count of the number of attributes that have been set.

Attributes &DoSet(const std::string &in_set, const std::string &in_val)
template <typename SET_TYPE>
Attributes &Set(const std::string &s, SET_TYPE v)

Record that attribute “a” is set to value “v” (converted to string) and return this object.

Attributes &Insert(const Attributes &in_attr)

Set all values from in_attr here as well. Return this object.

bool Has(const std::string &setting) const

Return true/false based on whether “setting” has been given a value in this Attributes obj.

const std::string &Get(const std::string &setting)

Return the (string) value of “setting” that has been recorded in this Attributes obj. If setting did not exist, this does create an empty entry and return it.

const std::map<std::string, std::string> &GetMap() const
void Remove(const std::string &setting)
void Clear()

Remove all setting values.

void Apply(const std::string &widget_id)

Apply ALL of the Attribute’s settings to dom element “widget_id”.

void Apply(const std::string &widget_id, const std::string &setting)

Apply onlay a SPECIFIC attributes setting from the setting library to widget_id.

operator bool() const

Convert to true if there are any setting, false otherwise.

Public Static Functions

static void Apply(const std::string &widget_id, const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply onlay a SPECIFIC attributes setting with a specifid value!

Private Members

std::map<std::string, std::string> settings


Create/control an HTML button and call a specified function when that button is clicked.

Use example:

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

emp::web::Button my_button(MyFun, “Button Name”, “html_id”);

Where my_button is the C++ object linking to the button, MyFun is the function you want to call on clicks, “Button Name” is the label on the button itself, and “html_id” is the optional id you want it to use in the HTML code (otherwise it will generate a unique name on its own.)

Member functions to set state: Button & Callback(const std::function<void()> & in_callback) Button & Label(const std::string & in_label) Button & Title(const std::string & in_t) Button & Autofocus(bool in_af) Button & Disabled(bool in_dis)

Retriving current state: const std::string & GetLabel() const const std::string & GetTitle() const bool HasAutofocus() const bool IsDisabled() const

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Button : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Button>
#include <Button.h>

Create or control an HTML Button object that you can manipulate and update as needed.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = ButtonInfo

Public Functions

Button(const std::function<void()> &in_cbconst std::string &in_label, const std::string &in_id = "", )

Create a new button.

  • in_cb: The function to call when the button is clicked.
  • in_label: The label that should appear on the button.
  • in_id: The HTML ID to use for this button (leave blank for auto-generated)

Button(const Button &in)

Link to an existing button.

Button(const Widget &in)
virtual ~Button()
Button &Callback(const std::function<void()> &in_cb)

Set a new callback function to trigger when the button is clicked.

Button &Label(const std::string &in_label)

Set a new label to appear on this Button.

Button &Title(const std::string &in_t)

Create a tooltip for this Button.

Button &Autofocus(bool in_af = true)

Setup this button to have autofocus (or remove it!)

Button &Disabled(bool in_dis = true)

Setup this button to be disabled (or re-enable it!)

const std::string &GetLabel() const

Get the current label on this button.

const std::string &GetTitle() const

Get the current tooltip on this button.

bool HasAutofocus() const

Determine if this button currently has autofocus.

bool IsDisabled() const

Determine if this button is currently disabled.

Protected Functions

ButtonInfo *Info()
const ButtonInfo *Info() const
Button(ButtonInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::ButtonInfo
class ButtonInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Button.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

ButtonInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
ButtonInfo(const ButtonInfo&)
ButtonInfo &operator=(const ButtonInfo&)
virtual ~ButtonInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsButtonInfo() const
void DoCallback()
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void UpdateCallback(const std::function<void()> &in_cb)
void UpdateLabel(const std::string &in_label)
void UpdateTitle(const std::string &in_title)
void UpdateAutofocus(bool in_af)
void UpdateDisabled(bool in_dis)

Protected Attributes

std::string label
std::string title
bool autofocus
std::function<void()> callback
uint32_t callback_id
std::string onclick_info

Private Members

friend emp::web::Button::ButtonInfo::Button


Manage an HTML canvas object.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Canvas : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Canvas>
#include <Canvas.h>

Manage an HTML Canvas object.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = CanvasInfo

Public Functions

Canvas(double w, double h, const std::string &in_id = "")

Create a new canvas with the specified size and optional HTML identifier.

Canvas(const Canvas &in)

Link to an existing canvas.

Canvas(const Widget &in)
virtual ~Canvas()
double GetWidth() const

Get the pixel width of this Canvas.

double GetHeight() const

Get the pixel height of this Canvas.

void SetWidth(double w)

Set a new width for this Canvas.

void SetHeight(double h)

Set a new height for this Canvas.

void SetSize(double w, double h)

Set Canvas size.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Circle(Point center, double _r, Ts&&... vals)

Add a Circle to this canvas; provide constructor for the CanvasCircle with a position and radius as well as optional face color, line color, and line width.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Circle(double _x, double _y, double _r, Ts&&... vals)
template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Rect(Point corner, double w, double h, Ts&&... vals)

Add a Rectangle to this canvas at x,y with width w and heigh h. Optional face color and line color.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Rect(double x, double y, double w, double h, Ts&&... vals)
template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Image(const emp::RawImage &image, Point corner, Ts&&... vals)

Add an Image to this canvas at x,y with width w and heigh h.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Image(const emp::RawImage &image, double x, double y, Ts&&... vals)
template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Ts&&... vals)

Add a Line from x1,y1 to x2,y2. Optional face color and line color.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Line(emp::Point p1, emp::Point p2, Ts&&... vals)
template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &MultiLine(emp::Point p1, const emp::vector<emp::Point> &points, Ts&&... vals)

Add a Line from x1,y1 to x2,y2. Optional face color and line color.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Text(emp::Point p, Ts&&... vals)

Add a string to this canvas at x,y with specified text. Optional face color and line color.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &Text(double x, double y, Ts&&... vals)
template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &CenterText(emp::Point p, Ts&&... vals)

Add a string to this canvas centered at x,y with specified text. Optional face color and line color.

template <typename... Ts>
Canvas &CenterText(double x, double y, Ts&&... vals)
Canvas &Font(const std::string font)

Update the default font for text.

Canvas &Draw(const emp::Circle &circle, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")

Draw a circle onto this canvas.

Canvas &Draw(const CanvasShape &shape)

Draw an arbitrary shape onto this canvas.

Canvas &StrokeColor(std::string c)

Change the default stroke color.

Canvas &Rotate(double angle)

Rotate the entire canvas.

Canvas &Clear()

Clear everything off of this canvas.

Canvas &Clear(const std::string &bg_color)

Clear to a specific background color.

Protected Functions

CanvasInfo *Info()
const CanvasInfo *Info() const
Canvas(CanvasInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::CanvasInfo
class CanvasInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Canvas.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

CanvasInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
CanvasInfo(const CanvasInfo&)
CanvasInfo &operator=(const CanvasInfo&)
virtual ~CanvasInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsCanvasInfo() const
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void TargetCanvas()
void TriggerJS()
void AddAction(CanvasAction *new_action)
void ClearActions()

Protected Attributes

double width

pixel width of the canvas.

double height

pixel height of the canvas.

emp::vector<CanvasAction *> actions

Private Members

friend emp::web::Canvas::CanvasInfo::Canvas

Canvas Utilities

Various versions of the Draw() function to draw images onto a canvas.

Each version of

Draw() takes a canvas widget and some form of data to be drawn on the widget, such as a circle, a bit matrix, or a geometric surface.
This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web


void Draw(Canvas canvas, const emp::Circle &circle, const std::string &fill = "", const std::string &line = "")

Draw a Circle onto the canvas.

template <size_t COLS, size_t ROWS>
void Draw(Canvas canvas, const BitMatrix<COLS, ROWS> &matrix, double w, double h)

Draw a BitMatrix onto a canvas using black and white squares (can specify cell width and height)

template <typename BODY_TYPE>
void Draw(Canvas canvas, const Surface2D<BODY_TYPE> &surface, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map)

Draw a Surface2D, specifying the full colormap to be used. The surface has a range of circle bodies, each with a color id.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • surface: A surface containing a set of shapes to draw.
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.

template <typename BODY_TYPE>
void Draw(Canvas canvas, const Surface2D<BODY_TYPE> &surface, size_t num_colors)

Draw a Surface2D, just specifying the number of colors (and using a generated hue map). The surface has a range of circle bodies, each with a color id.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • surface: A surface containing a set of shapes to draw.
  • num_colors: The number of distinct colors to use in visualization.

void Draw(Canvas canvas, const emp::vector<emp::vector<size_t>> &grid, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map, std::string line_color, double cell_width, double cell_height, double offset_x, double offset_y)

Draw a grid onto a canvas.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • grid: A vector of vectors of color IDs.
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.
  • line_color: The background line color for the grid.
  • cell_width: How many pixels wide is each cell to draw?
  • cell_height: How many pixels tall is each cell to draw?
  • offset_x: How far should we shift the grid relative to the left side of the canvas?
  • offset_y: How far should we shift the grid relative to the top of the canvas?

void Draw(Canvas canvas, const emp::vector<emp::vector<size_t>> &grid, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map, std::string line_color, double cell_w, double cell_h)

Draw a grid onto a canvas, but without offsets provided the grid is centered.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • grid: A vector of vectors of color IDs.
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.
  • line_color: The background line color for the grid.
  • cell_width: How many pixels wide is each cell to draw?
  • cell_height: How many pixels tall is each cell to draw?

void Draw(Canvas canvas, const emp::vector<emp::vector<size_t>> &grid, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map, std::string line_color = "black")

Draw a grid onto a canvas, but without cell size provided maximize to fill the canvas!

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • grid: A vector of vectors of color IDs.
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.
  • line_color: The background line color for the grid.

void Draw(Canvas canvas, const emp::vector<size_t> &grid, size_t grid_cols, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map, std::string line_color, double cell_width, double cell_height, double offset_x, double offset_y)

Draw a vector onto a canvas as a grid.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • grid: A vector of vectors of color IDs
  • grid_cols: Number of columns in the grid
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.
  • line_color: The background line color for the grid
  • cell_width: How many pixels wide is each cell to draw?
  • cell_height: How many pixels tall is each cell to draw?
  • offset_x: How far should we shift the grid relative to the left side of the canvas?
  • offset_y: How far should we shift the grid relative to the top of the canvas?

void Draw(Canvas canvas, const StateGrid &state_grid, const emp::vector<std::string> &color_map, std::string line_color = "black")

Draw a state grid onto a canvas.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • state_grid: A StateGrid object.
  • color_map: Mapping of values to the colors with which they should be associated.
  • line_color: The background line color for the grid.

void DrawGridBG(Canvas canvas, size_t rows, size_t cols, const std::string &bg_color, const std::string &line_color)

Draw a grid as the background of a canvas. Since this is a BG, clear the canvas first.

  • canvas: The Canvas to draw on.
  • rows: Number of rows to draw in the grid.
  • cols: Number of columns to draw in the grid.
  • bg_color: The background color for the grid.
  • line_color: The color of the liens on the grid.

template <typename CONTAINER_T, typename POINT_FUN_T, typename COLOR_FUN_T>
void DrawPoints(Canvas canvas, CONTAINER_T &&container, double radius, POINT_FUN_T &&point_fun, COLOR_FUN_T &&color_fun, const std::string &line_color = "black")

Canvas Actions

Define a base class for all actions that can be done to widgets, plus simple actions.

CanvasAction objects modify the appearance of a canvas and can be tracked to reconstruct the state of the canvas from scratch.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

Other, more specific actions defined here are: CanvasStrokeColor CanvasRotate CanvasFont

See also CanvasShape.h for more actions.

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class CanvasAction
#include <CanvasAction.h>

Base class to maintain canvas actions.

Subclassed by emp::web::CanvasFont, emp::web::CanvasImage, emp::web::CanvasRotate, emp::web::CanvasShape, emp::web::CanvasStrokeColor

Public Functions

CanvasAction(const CanvasAction&)
virtual ~CanvasAction()
virtual void Apply() = 0

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

virtual CanvasAction *Clone() const = 0

Make a copy of the current action.

Protected Functions

void Fill(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the fill status.

void Stroke(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the stroke status.

void LineWidth(double line_width = 1.0)

Helper function to set the stroke status.

class CanvasFont : public emp::web::CanvasAction
#include <CanvasAction.h>

Change the default font to be used.

Public Functions

CanvasFont(const std::string &f)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

Protected Functions

void Fill(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the fill status.

void Stroke(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the stroke status.

void LineWidth(double line_width = 1.0)

Helper function to set the stroke status.

Protected Attributes

std::string font
class CanvasImage : public emp::web::CanvasAction
#include <CanvasAction.h>

Change the default font to be used.

Public Functions

CanvasImage(const RawImage &raw_image, double _x = 0.0, double _y = 0.0, double _w = 0.0, double _h = 0.0)
CanvasImage(const RawImage &raw_image, Point _p, double _w = 0.0, double _h = 0.0)
CanvasImage(const std::string &url, double _x = 0.0, double _y = 0.0, double _w = 0.0, double _h = 0.0)
CanvasImage(const std::string &url, Point _p, double _w = 0.0, double _h = 0.0)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

Protected Functions

void Fill(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the fill status.

void Stroke(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the stroke status.

void LineWidth(double line_width = 1.0)

Helper function to set the stroke status.

Protected Attributes

RawImage image
Point position
double width
double height
class CanvasRotate : public emp::web::CanvasAction
#include <CanvasAction.h>

Rotate the entire canvas for subsequent drawings.

Public Functions

CanvasRotate(double a)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

Protected Functions

void Fill(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the fill status.

void Stroke(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the stroke status.

void LineWidth(double line_width = 1.0)

Helper function to set the stroke status.

Protected Attributes

double angle
class CanvasStrokeColor : public emp::web::CanvasAction
#include <CanvasAction.h>

Set the line color on subsequent draw-related actions.

Public Functions

CanvasStrokeColor(const std::string &c)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

Protected Functions

void Fill(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the fill status.

void Stroke(const std::string &style = "")

Helper function to set the stroke status.

void LineWidth(double line_width = 1.0)

Helper function to set the stroke status.

Protected Attributes

std::string color

Color to use.

Canvas Shapes

Define simple shapes to draw on a canvas.

Canvas shapes can be definied in detail, describing how they modify a canvas.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

Other, more specific actions defined here are: CanvasCircle CanvasRect

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class CanvasCircle : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

Track a circle shape to be drawn on a canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasCircle(double _x, double _y, double _r, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
CanvasCircle(Point _p, double _r, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
CanvasCircle(emp::Circle circle, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

double radius

Circle radius.

class CanvasClearRect : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

Clear a rectangular area in a canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasClearRect(Point _p, double _w, double _h)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

double w

Rectangle widgth.

double h

Rectangle height.

class CanvasLine : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

A line segment on the canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasLine(double _x1, double _y1, double _x2, double _y2, const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)

Y-position for second point of line segment.

CanvasLine(Point p1, Point p2, const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

double x2
double y2

X-position for second point of line segment.

class CanvasMultiLine : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

A whole series of line segments on the canvas. Currently not working…

Public Functions

CanvasMultiLine(double _x1, double _y1, const emp::vector<Point> &_points, const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
CanvasMultiLine(Point p1, const emp::vector<Point> &_points, const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

emp::vector<Point> points
class CanvasPolygon : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

An arbitrary-sized polygon to be drawn on a canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasPolygon(const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
CanvasPolygon(const emp::vector<Point> &p, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
CanvasPolygon(Point _p, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
CanvasPolygon(double _x, double _y, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
CanvasPolygon &AddPoint(double x, double y)
CanvasPolygon &AddPoint(Point p)
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

emp::vector<Point> points

Series of points defining the perimiter of the Polygon.

class CanvasRect : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

Track a rectangle shape to be drawn on a canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasRect(Point _p, double _w, double _h, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
CanvasRect(double _x, double _y, double _w, double _h, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Private Members

double w

Rectangle widgth.

double h

Rectangle height.

class CanvasShape : public emp::web::CanvasAction
#include <CanvasShape.h>

Define an arbitrary shape to draw on a canvas (base clase)

Subclassed by emp::web::CanvasCircle, emp::web::CanvasClearRect, emp::web::CanvasLine, emp::web::CanvasMultiLine, emp::web::CanvasPolygon, emp::web::CanvasRect, emp::web::CanvasText

Public Functions

CanvasShape(double _x, double _y, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
CanvasShape(Point _p, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "", double lw = 1.0)
virtual ~CanvasShape()
void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

class CanvasText : public emp::web::CanvasShape
#include <CanvasShape.h>

Text to be written on a canvas.

Public Functions

CanvasText(Point p, const std::string &_text, const std::string &fc = "", const std::string &lc = "")
void Apply()

Apply current action to emp_i.ctx.

void Center(bool c = true)

Center this text.

bool GetCenter() const

Identify if text is centered.

CanvasAction *Clone() const

Make a copy of the current action.

void MoveTo(Point _p)

Shift the position of this shape to a point.

void MoveTo(double _x, double _y)

Shift the position of this shape to coordinates.

void SetLineWidth(double lw = 1.0)

Setup details needed before drawing lines.

void SetFillColor(const std::string &color)

Change the fill color of this shape.

void SetLineColor(const std::string &color)

Change the stroke color of this shape.

void ApplyColor()

Actually change the color on screen.

Protected Attributes

std::string text

Specific text to be written.

bool center

Should this text be centered (or is anchor on left side)?

Point p

Anchor point for this shape.

std::string fill_color

Internal color to fill shape with.

std::string line_color

Border color for shape.

double line_width

How wide should lines be?

Color maps

Tools to dynamically build (and cache) color maps.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md


std::string ColorHSL(double h, double s, double l)

Generate a string to describe a JS color out of HSL values.

std::string ColorRGB(int r, int g, int b)

Generate a string to describe a JS color out of RGB values.

std::string ColorRGB(int r, int g, int b, double a)

Generate a string to describe a JS color with an alpha channel.

const emp::vector<std::string> &GetHueMap(size_t map_size, double min_h = 0.0, double max_h = 360.0, int s = 100, int l = 50)

Generate a vector of color strings with a specified range of hues, and fixed satuation and luminosity,

emp::vector<std::string> GetHSLMap(size_t map_size, double min_h = 0.0, double max_h = 360.0, int min_s = 100, int max_s = 100, int min_l = 50, int max_l = 50)

Generate a vector of color strings providing ranges of all of hue, satuation and luminosity.


A set of command-defining classes that can be fed into widgets using the << operator.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web


static const PrintStr emp::web::endl("<br>")

Pre-define emp::endl to insert a “<br>” and thus acting like a newline.

class Close : public emp::web::internal::WidgetCommand
#include <commands.h>

The Close command will prevent the specified widget from accepting further appends (and instead revert to trying parents)

Public Functions

Close(const std::string &id)
bool Trigger(internal::WidgetInfo &w) const
const std::string &GetID() const

Private Members

std::string close_id
class PrintStr : public emp::web::internal::WidgetCommand
#include <commands.h>

The PrintStr command will print a pre-specified string to a widget.

Public Functions

PrintStr(const std::string &_s)
bool Trigger(internal::WidgetInfo &w) const
const std::string &GetStr() const

Private Members

std::string str


Div Widgets maintain an ordered collection of other widgets in an HTML div.

To create a Div:

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md
Formerly called Slate.h When printed to the web page, these internal widgets are presented in order.

emp::web::Div my_div(“name”);

To use a Div:

my_div << “Add this text!” << emp::web::Image(“my_image.png”) << “<br>”;

To register a Div in a Document:

my_doc << my_div;

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Div : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Div>
#include <Div.h>

A widget to track a div in an HTML file, and all of its contents.

Subclassed by emp::web::Document

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = internal::DivInfo

Public Functions

Div(const std::string &in_name)
Div(const Div &in)
Div(const Widget &in)
double ScrollTop() const

Where is the top of the scroll region?

Div &ScrollTop(double in_top)

Set the scroll position.

void Clear()

Clear the contents of this div.

void ClearChildren()

Remove all child widgets from this div.

bool HasChild(const Widget &test_child) const

Determine if a specified widget is internal to this one.

void Deactivate(bool top_level)

Remove this widget from the current document.

Widget &Find(const std::string &test_name)

Get an internal widget to this div, by the specified name.

emp::vector<Widget> &Children()

Get all direct child widgets to this div.

template <class... T>
web::Animate &AddAnimation(const std::string &name, T&&... args)

Shortcut adder for animations.

web::Animate &Animate(const std::string &in_id)

Protected Functions

internal::DivInfo *Info()
const internal::DivInfo *Info() const
namespace internal
class DivInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Div.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

DivInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
DivInfo(const DivInfo&)
DivInfo &operator=(const DivInfo&)
virtual ~DivInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsDivInfo() const
bool IsRegistered(const std::string &test_name) const
Widget &GetRegistered(const std::string &find_name)
void Register_recurse(Widget &new_widget)
void Register(Widget &new_widget)
void RegisterChildren(DivInfo *regestrar)
void Unregister_recurse(Widget &old_widget)
void Unregister(Widget &old_widget)
void UnregisterChildren(DivInfo *regestrar)
void ClearChildren()
void Clear()
void AddChild(Widget in)
void DoActivate(bool top_level = true)
web::Text &GetTextWidget()
bool AppendOK() const
void PreventAppend()
Widget Append(const std::string &text)
Widget Append(const std::function<std::string()> &in_fun)
Widget Append(Widget info)
Widget Append(const Font &font)

Start a new set of Text with this font (even if one already exists.)

virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void ReplaceHTML()

Protected Attributes

double scroll_top

Where should div scroll to? (0.0 to 1.0)

emp::vector<Widget> m_children

Widgets contained in this one.

bool append_ok

Can we add more children?

bool text_append

Can we append to a current text widget?

std::map<std::string, Widget> widget_dict

By-name lookup for descendent widgets.

std::map<std::string, web::Animate *> anim_map

Streamline creation of Animate objects.

Private Members

friend emp::web::internal::DivInfo::Div
friend emp::web::internal::DivInfo::TableInfo


Manage an entire document.

The Document class is built off of Div, but initializes the EMP web framework, if neeeded, and activates itself. It also provides quick ways to add and lookup widgets.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

For example, you can use doc.AddButon(…) to add a new button to the document, where the … can be any of the mechanisms to build a new button. This technique works for any widget type.

You can also look up any widget by name. For example, if you previously created a Canvas widget with the HTML id “my_canvas”, you can look it up later by using doc.Canvas(“my_canvas”)

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Document : public emp::web::Div
#include <Document.h>

Public Functions

Document(const std::string &doc_id)
template <class... T>
web::Button AddButton(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Canvas AddCanvas(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::FileInput AddFileInput(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Image AddImage(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Selector AddSelector(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Div AddDiv(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Table AddTable(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::Text AddText(T&&... args)
template <class... T>
web::TextArea AddTextArea(T&&... args)
web::Button Button(const std::string &in_id)
web::Canvas Canvas(const std::string &in_id)
web::FileInput FileInput(const std::string &in_id)
web::Image Image(const std::string &in_id)
web::Selector Selector(const std::string &in_id)
web::Div Div(const std::string &in_id)
web::Table Table(const std::string &in_id)
web::Text Text(const std::string &in_id)
web::TextArea TextArea(const std::string &in_id)

Useful functions for emscripten

Specialized, useful function for Empirical.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md


namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md


static void DelayCall(const std::function<void()> &in_funint delay, )

Call a function after a specified amount of time.

static void OnResize(const std::function<void()> &in_fun)

Provide a function to call whenever a window’s size changes (no arguments).

static void OnResize(const std::function<void(int, int)> &in_fun)

Provide a function to call whenever a window’s size changes (new size as arguments)

double GetTime()

Get the current time, as provided by the web browser.

int GetWindowInnerWidth()

Determine with width of the current window.

int GetWindowInnerHeight()

Determine with height of the current window.

static void SetBackgroundColor(const std::string color)

Set the background color of this web page.

static void SetColor(const std::string color)
static void SetCursor(const char *type)
static void OpenWindow(const std::string &url)
static std::string text2html(const std::string &text)

Event Handling

Event handlers that use JQuery.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web


template <typename FUN_TYPE>
void OnDocumentReady(FUN_TYPE &&fun)

Runs the specified function when the document is finished loading and being set up.

struct Event
#include <events.h>

Data common to all web events.

Subclassed by emp::web::KeyboardEvent, emp::web::MouseEvent, emp::web::WheelEvent

Public Functions

template <int ARG_ID>
void LoadFromArg()

Public Members

bool bubbles

Is this a bubbling event?

bool cancelable

Can the default action be prevented?

struct KeyboardEvent : public emp::web::Event
#include <events.h>

Keyboard-specific information about web events.

Public Functions

template <int ARG_ID>
void LoadFromArg()

Public Members

bool altKey

Was “ALT” key was pressed?

bool ctrlKey

Was “CTRL” key pressed?

bool metaKey

Was “META” key pressed?

bool shiftKey

Was “SHIFT” key pressed?

int charCode

Unicode character pressed.

int keyCode

Which key was pressed on the keyboard (e.g., ‘a’ and ‘A’ are the same)

bool bubbles

Is this a bubbling event?

bool cancelable

Can the default action be prevented?

struct MouseEvent : public emp::web::Event
#include <events.h>

Mouse-specific information about web events.

Public Functions

template <int ARG_ID>
void LoadFromArg()

Public Members

bool altKey

Was “ALT” key was pressed?

bool ctrlKey

Was “CTRL” key pressed?

bool metaKey

Was “META” key pressed?

bool shiftKey

Was “SHIFT” key pressed?

int button

Which mouse button was pressed? -1=none (0/1/2)

int detail

How many clicks happened in short succession?

int clientX

X-mouse postion, relative to current window.

int clientY

Y-mouse postion, relative to current window.

int screenX

X-mouse position, relative to the screen.

int screenY

Y-mouse position, relative to the screen.

bool bubbles

Is this a bubbling event?

bool cancelable

Can the default action be prevented?

struct WheelEvent : public emp::web::Event
#include <events.h>

Mouse-wheel-specific information about web events.

Public Functions

template <int ARG_ID>
void LoadFromArg()

Public Members

int deltaX

Horizontal scroll amount.

int deltaY

Vertical scroll amount.

int deltaZ

Scroll amount of a mouse wheel for the z-axis.

int deltaMode

The unit of measurements for delta values (pixels, lines or pages)

bool bubbles

Is this a bubbling event?

bool cancelable

Can the default action be prevented?

File Input

Specs for the FileInput widget (click on to upload a file)

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class FileInput : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<FileInput>
#include <FileInput.h>

FileInput will convert the file to a std::string and pass the result to a designated function.

To create a new file input, you must pass it a void function that takes a const std::string & as its only argument. When a file is loaded, the specified function is called and the body of the file is passed in as the string.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = FileInputInfo

Public Functions

FileInput(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &in_cb, const std::string &in_id = "", )

Create a new Fileinput; supply the function to call with the file contents as a string (and optionally the HTML identifier to be used).

FileInput(const std::function<void(const emp::File&)> &cb, const std::string &in_id = "", )

Create a new FileInput; supply the function to call with the file contents as a File object (and optionally the HTML identifier to be used).

FileInput(const FileInput &in)

Load a pre-existing FileInput object.

FileInput(const Widget &in)
virtual ~FileInput()
FileInput &Callback(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &in_cb)

Change the callback function to use when a new file is loaded.

FileInput &Title(const std::string &in_t)

Set a ToolTip for this FileInput object.

FileInput &Autofocus(bool in_af)

Set this FileInput object to have autofocus (or not)

FileInput &Disabled(bool in_dis)

Set this FileInput object to be disabled (or renable it.)

const std::string &GetTitle() const

Get the current tooltip.

bool HasAutofocus() const

Determine if this object currently has autofocus.

bool IsDisabled() const

Determine if this object is currently disabled.

Protected Functions

FileInputInfo *Info()
const FileInputInfo *Info() const
FileInput(FileInputInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::FileInputInfo
class FileInputInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <FileInput.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

FileInputInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
FileInputInfo(const FileInputInfo&)
FileInputInfo &operator=(const FileInputInfo&)
virtual ~FileInputInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

void DoCallback(const std::string &file_body)
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void UpdateCallback(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &in_cb)
void UpdateTitle(const std::string &in_title)
void UpdateAutofocus(bool in_af)
void UpdateDisabled(bool in_dis)

Protected Attributes

std::string title
bool autofocus
bool disabled
std::function<void(const std::string&)> callback
uint32_t callback_id

Private Members

friend emp::web::FileInput::FileInputInfo::FileInput


Maintains basic information about a font to be used in HTML.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Font
#include <Font.h>

Maintain information about an HTML font.

Public Functions

Font(const Font&)
Font(const std::string &_family = "Helvetica", int _size = 15, const std::string &_color = "black", bool _bold = false, bool _italic = false)
Font(int _size, const std::string &_color = "black", bool _bold = false, bool _italic = false)
Font &operator=(const Font&)
Font &operator=(Font&&)
const std::string &GetFamily() const
int GetSize() const
const std::string &GetColor() const
const std::string &GetLineColor() const
bool IsBold() const
bool IsItalic() const
bool IsSmallcaps() const
bool IsUnderlined() const
bool IsOverlined() const
bool IsStrikethrough() const
bool IsWavyLine() const
bool HasLine() const
Font &SetFamily(const std::string &_family)
Font &SetSize(int _size)
Font &SetColor(const std::string &_color)
Font &SetLineColor(const std::string &_color)
Font &SetBold(bool _in = true)
Font &SetItalic(bool _in = true)
Font &SetSmallcaps(bool _in = true)
Font &SetUnderlined(bool _in = true)
Font &SetOverlined(bool _in = true)
Font &SetStrikethrough(bool _in = true)
Font &SetWavyLine(bool _in = true)
void ConfigStyle(Style &style) const

Take a Style object an fill it out based on this font information.

Style AsStyle() const
std::string GetHTMLStart()
std::string GetHTMLEnd()
bool operator==(const Font &_in) const
bool operator!=(const Font &_in) const

Protected Attributes

std::string family

Font family to use.

int size

Font size (in px) to use.

std::string color

Font color.

std::string line_color

Color of lines through the text (underline, linethrough, etc.)

bool is_bold

Is this font bold?

bool is_italic

Is this font itaic?

bool is_smallcaps

Should this test be in small caps?

bool is_underlined

Should this text be underlined?

bool is_overlined

Should this text have a line above it?

bool is_linethrough

Should this text have a line through it?

bool is_wavy_line

Should lines be made wavy?


Easily load an image and place it in a document.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Image : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Image>
#include <Image.h>

The Image widget will load an image from a specified URL. For example, you can use emp::web::Image(“http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/_static/Emscripten_logo_full.png”) to load the emscripten logo from its website. These can be easily inserted into a web document using << and all JS callbacks (after loading) will be handled automatically.

You can also set the Alt-text with the Alt() function.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = ImageInfo

Public Functions

Image(const std::string &in_url, const std::string &in_id = "")

Create a new image, indicating the URL to load from.

Image(const Image &in)

Link to an existing Image widget.

Image(const Widget &in)
virtual ~Image()
Image &URL(const std::string &in_url)

Update the URL for this image.

Image &Alt(const std::string &in_alt)

Add Alt-text for this image.

Protected Functions

ImageInfo *Info()
const ImageInfo *Info() const
Image(ImageInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::ImageInfo
class ImageInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Image.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

ImageInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
ImageInfo(const ImageInfo&)
ImageInfo &operator=(const ImageInfo&)
virtual ~ImageInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsImageInfo() const
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void UpdateURL(const std::string &in_url)
void UpdateAlt(const std::string &in_alt)

Protected Attributes

std::string url
std::string alt_text

Private Members

friend emp::web::Image::ImageInfo::Image


Define Initialize() and other functions to set up Empirical to build Emscripten projects.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md


std::ofstream emp::debug_file("debug_file")
static bool Initialize()

Stub for when Emscripten is not in use.

static bool InitializeAnim()

Stub for when Emscripten is not in use.

Javascript Utilities

Tools for passing data between C++ and Javascript.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md


std::map<std::string, std::string> get_type_to_string_map()

This function returns a std::map mapping typeid names to the appropriate strings to describe those types in Javscript. This is useful when using getValue() from within EM_ASM macros.

For example, say we have a templated function that takes a pointer to type T. We find out the appropriate string for type T: std::map<const char*, std::string> type_map = GetTypeToStringMap(); std::string type_string = type_map[typeid(T).name()];

Now we can pass type_string.c_str() into EM_ASM_ARGS: `EM_ASM_ARGS({ var value = getValue($0, $1); }, pointer, type_string.c_str();`

template <typename C, class = typename C::value_type>
void pass_array_to_javascript(C values)

This function can be called to pass an array, vector, or other container with contiguously stored data into Javascript. The array will be stored in emp.__incoming_array. Currently supports arrays containing all of the types defined in get_type_to_string_map, which are also all of the types that emscripten supports getting via pointer. This function also supports nested arrays, and arrays of objects created with introspective tuple structs.

template <std::size_t SIZE, typename T>
void pass_array_to_cpp(emp::array<T, SIZE> &arr, bool recurse = false)

This function lets you pass an array from javascript to C++! It takes a reference to the array as an argument and populates it with the contents of emp.__outgoing_array.

Currently accepts arrays of ints, floats, doubles, chars, and std::strings The size of the passed array must be equal to the size of the array stored in emp.__outgoing_array

template <typename T>
void pass_vector_to_cpp(emp::vector<T> &arr, bool recurse = false)

Same as pass_array_to_cpp, but lets you store values in a vector instead.


Wrap a C++ function and convert it to an integer that can be called from Javascript.

To wrap a function, call:

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

uint32_t fun_id = emp::JSWrap(FunctionToBeWrapped, "JS_Function_Name");`

To manually callback a function from Javascript, first set emp_i.cb_args to an array of function arguments, then call empCppCallback( fun_id ); This all happens automatically if you use the emp.Callback(fun_id, args...) function from Javascript.

The JS_Function_Name string is optional, but if you use it, the appropriate function will be automatically generated in Javascript by JSWrap, in the emp class.

For example, if you have:

int AddPair(int x, int y) { return x + y; }`

You can wrap it with:

size_t fun_id = emp::JSWrap(AddPair, "AddPair");

And then in Javascript, you can simply call it as:

emp.AddPair(4, 5); // will return 9.

Keypress Manager

KeypressManager is a tracker for keypresses in HTML5 pages.

When a KeypressManager is created, it can be given functions to run in response to different types of key presses via overloaded version of the AddKeydownCallback method. Each of these accepts an order parameter that is optional and, if provided, will indicate the order in which tests should be performed to resolve a keypress. If order is not provided, tests will occur in the order that they were given to the manager.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

The specific versions of AddKeydownCallback are:

void AddKeydownCallback(std::function<bool(const html5::KeyboardEvent &)> cb_fun, int order=-1)

Link a function to the KeypressManager that is called for any unresolved keypress. The function must take in an html5::KeyboardEvent (which includes information about the specific key pressed as well as any modifiers such as SHIFT or CTRL) and it must return a boolean value indicating whether it has resolved the keypress.

void AddKeydownCallback(char key, std::function<void()> cb_fun, int order=-1)

Link a specific key to a target function to be called when that key is pressed. The function my return a void and take no arguments.

void AddKeydownCallback(const std::string & key_set, std::function<void()> cb_fun, int order=-1)

Same as the previous method, but will respond to any of the keys in the provided string.

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class KeypressManager
#include <KeypressManager.h>

Public Functions

int GetFunCount() const
int GetNextOrder() const
void AddKeydownCallback(std::function<bool(const KeyboardEvent&)> cb_fun, int order = -1, )

Link a function to the KeypressManager that is called for any unresolved keypress. The function must take in an html5::KeyboardEvent (which includes information about the specific key pressed as well as any modifiers such as SHIFT or CTRL) and it must return a boolean value indicating whether it has resolved the keypress.

void AddKeydownCallback(char key, std::function<void()> cb_funint order = -1, )

Link a specific key to a target function to be called when that key is pressed. The function my return a void and take no arguments.

void AddKeydownCallback(const std::string &key_set, const std::function<void()> &cb_funint order, )

Provide a whole set of keys that should all trigger the same function, including an ordering for priority.

void AddKeydownCallback(const std::string &key_set, const std::function<void()> &cb_fun)

Provide a whole set of keys that should all trigger the same function; use default ordering.

Private Functions

bool DoCallback(const KeyboardEvent &evt_info)

Private Members

std::map<int, std::function<bool(const KeyboardEvent&)>> fun_map
int next_order
uint32_t callback_id


A class for tracking font event listeners for Widgets.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Listeners
#include <Listeners.h>

Track a set of JavaScript Listeners with their callback IDs.

Public Functions

Listeners(const Listeners&)
Listeners &operator=(const Listeners&)
size_t GetSize() const

How many listeners are we tracking?

Listeners &Set(const std::string &name, size_t fun_id)

Use a pre-calculated function ID with a new listener.

template <typename... Ts>
Listeners &Set(const std::string &name, const std::function<void(Ts... args)> &in_fun)

Calculate its own function ID with JSWrap.

bool Has(const std::string &event_name) const

Determine if a specified listener exists.

size_t GetID(const std::string &event_name)

Get the ID associated with a specific listener.

const std::map<std::string, size_t> &GetMap() const
void Clear()

Remove all listeners.

void Remove(const std::string &event_name)

Remove a specific listener.

void Apply(const std::string &widget_id)

Apply all of the listeners being tracked.

operator bool() const

true/false : do any listeners exist?

Public Static Functions

static void Apply(const std::string &widget_id, const std::string event_name, size_t fun_id)

Apply a SPECIFIC listener.

Private Members

std::map<std::string, size_t> listeners

Map triggers to callback IDs.

Raw Image

Handle the fundamental loading of an image (without Widget tracking)

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

class RawImage
#include <RawImage.h>

Fundamental information about a single image.

Public Functions

RawImage(const std::string &url)
RawImage(const RawImage&)
RawImage &operator=(const RawImage&)
int GetID() const
const std::string &GetURL() const
bool HasLoaded() const
bool HasError() const
void OnLoad(const std::function<void()> &callback_fun)

Add a new function to be called when the image finishes loading.

void OnError(const std::function<void()> &callback_fun)

Add a new function to be called if an image load has an error.

Private Members

Ptr<internal::ImageInfo> info

Private Static Functions

static internal::ImageManager &GetManager()
namespace internal
struct ImageInfo
#include <RawImage.h>

Detailed information about an image.

Public Functions

ImageInfo(const std::string &_url)
void MarkLoaded()

Trigger this image as loaded.

void MarkError()

Trigger this image as having an error.

void OnLoad(const std::function<void()> &callback_fun)

Add a new function to be called when the image finishes loading.

void OnError(const std::function<void()> &callback_fun)

Add a new function to be called if an image load has an error.

Public Members

int img_id

Unique ID for this image.

std::string url

Full URL of file containing image.

bool has_loaded

Is this image finished loading?

bool has_error

Were there any errors in loading image?

Signal<void()> on_load

Actions for when image is finished loading.

Signal<void()> on_error

Actions for when image has trouble loading.

class ImageManager
#include <RawImage.h>

Public Functions

bool Has(const std::string &url)

Is an image with the provided name currently being managed?

Ptr<ImageInfo> Add(const std::string &url)

Create a new image with the provided name.

Ptr<ImageInfo> GetInfo(const std::string &url)

Get the info about a specified image (loading it only if needed!)

Private Members

emp::vector<Ptr<ImageInfo>> image_info

Information about each loaded image.

std::map<std::string, size_t> image_id_map

Map of urls to loaded image ids.


Specs for the Selector widget.

A Selector widget provides the user with a pull-down menu. It can be examined at any time (via GetSelectID()) or else alerts call a designated function when a particular option is chosen.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

UI::Selector sel(“sel”);

sel.SetOption(“Option 1”); sel.SetOption(“Option B”, TriggerB) ; sel.SetOption(“Option the Third”, [](){ emp::Alert(“3 chosen!”} ); sel.SetOption(“Option IV”);

In this example, the second option will call TriggerB when it is chosen, while the third option will call the provided lambda function.

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Selector : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Selector>
#include <Selector.h>

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = SelectorInfo

Public Functions

Selector(const std::string &in_id = "")
Selector(const Selector &in)
Selector(const Widget &in)
virtual ~Selector()
size_t GetSelectID() const

Get the ID of the currently active selection.

size_t GetNumOptions() const

Get the total number of options setup in the selector.

const std::string &GetOption(size_t id) const

Get the label associated with a specific option ID.

bool HasAutofocus() const

Determine if the selector has autofocus.

bool IsDisabled() const

Is the selector currently disabled?

Selector &SelectID(size_t id)

Set a specific ID as currently active.

Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, const std::function<void()> &in_cb)

Add a new option to the selector and the function to be called if it is chosen.

Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, const std::function<void()> &in_cbsize_t opt_id, )

Add an option to the selector associated with a specific ID (and the function to be called if it is chosen)

Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option)

Set a selector option name, but no function to be called.

Selector &SetOption(const std::string &in_option, size_t opt_id)

Set a specific selection option name, determined by the ID, but no function to call.

Selector &Autofocus(bool in_af)

Update autofocus setting.

Selector &Disabled(bool in_dis)

Update disabled status.

Protected Functions

SelectorInfo *Info()
const SelectorInfo *Info() const
Selector(SelectorInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::SelectorInfo
class SelectorInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Selector.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

SelectorInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
SelectorInfo(const SelectorInfo&)
SelectorInfo &operator=(const SelectorInfo&)
virtual ~SelectorInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsSelectorInfo() const
void SetOption(const std::string &name, const std::function<void()> &cbsize_t id, )
void SetOption(const std::string &name, const std::function<void()> &cb)
void DoChange(size_t new_id)
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void UpdateAutofocus(bool in_af)
void UpdateDisabled(bool in_dis)

Protected Attributes

emp::vector<std::string> options

What are the options to choose from?

emp::vector<std::function<void()>> callbacks

Which funtion to run for each option?

size_t select_id

Which index is currently selected?

bool autofocus
bool disabled
size_t callback_id

Private Members

friend emp::web::Selector::SelectorInfo::Selector


A CSS class for tracking font style, etc.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Style
#include <Style.h>

Class to maintain a map of setting names to values that can be easily ported over to JavaScript. A companial class, Attributes, also exists.

Public Functions

Style(const Style&)
Style &operator=(const Style&)
Style &operator=(Style&&)
size_t GetSize() const

Return a count of the number of settings that have been set.

Style &DoSet(const std::string &in_set, const std::string &in_val)
template <typename SET_TYPE>
Style &Set(const std::string &s, SET_TYPE v)

Record that setting “s” is set to value “v” (converted to string) and return this object.

Style &Insert(const Style &in_css)

Set all values from in_css here as well. Return this object.

bool Has(const std::string &setting) const

Return true/false based on whether “setting” has been given a value in this Style.

const std::string &Get(const std::string &setting)

Return the (string) value of “setting” that has been recorded in this Style. If setting did not exist, this does create an empty entry and return it.

const std::map<std::string, std::string> &GetMap() const
void Clear()

Remove all setting values.

void Remove(const std::string &setting)

Remove a specific setting value.

void Apply(const std::string &widget_id)

Apply ALL of the style settings to a specified widget.

void Apply(const std::string &widget_id, const std::string &setting)

Apply only a SPECIFIC style setting from the setting library.

operator bool() const

Have any settings be set?

Public Static Functions

static void Apply(const std::string &widget_id, const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply onlay a SPECIFIC style setting with a specifid value!

Private Members

std::map<std::string, std::string> settings

CSS Setting values being tracked.


Specs for the Table widget.

TableInfo is the core information for a table and has two helper classes: TableRowInfo and TableDataInfo. The Table class is a smart pointer to a TableInfo object.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

A Table is composed of a series of rows, each with the same number of columns. TableDataInfo may be muliple cells wide/tall, masking other cells.

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Table : public emp::web::TableWidget
#include <Table.h>

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = internal::TableInfo

Public Functions

Table(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &in_id = "")
Table(const TableWidget &in)
Table(const Widget &in)
Table(internal::TableInfo *in_info, size_t _row, size_t _col)
Table &Clear()
Table &ClearStyle()
Table &ClearAttr()
Table &ClearListen()
Table &ClearExtras()
Table &ClearChildren()
Table &Rows(size_t r)

Resize the number of rows in the table.

Table &Cols(size_t c)

Resize the number of columns in the table.

Table &Resize(size_t r, size_t c)

Fully resize the table (both rows and columns)

Table &SetColSpan(size_t new_span)

Setup the number of columns the current column group.

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
Table &RowCSS(size_t row_id, const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to target row.

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
Table &CellCSS(size_t row_id, size_t col_id, const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to target cell.

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
Table &RowsCSS(const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to all rows. (: Should we use fancier jquery here?)

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
Table &CellsCSS(const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to all cells.

size_t GetNumCols() const
size_t GetNumRows() const
size_t GetNumCells() const
virtual void PrepareAppend()

Setup << operator to redirect to Append; option preparation can be overridden.

size_t GetCurRow() const

Determine which row currnetly has focus.

size_t GetCurCol() const

Determine which column currently has focus.

void ClearTable()
void ClearRows()
void ClearRow(size_t r)
void ClearCol(size_t c)
void ClearRowGroup(size_t r)
void ClearColGroup(size_t c)
void ClearCells()
void ClearCell(size_t r, size_t c)
TableCell GetCell(size_t r, size_t c)

Focus on a specifc cell in the table.

TableRow GetRow(size_t r)

Focus on a specifc row in the table.

TableCol GetCol(size_t c)

Focus on a specifc column in the table.

TableRowGroup GetRowGroup(size_t r)

Focus on a specifc group of rows in the table.

TableColGroup GetColGroup(size_t c)

Focus on a specifc group of columns in the table.

Table GetTable()

Focus on a the entire table.

web::Text GetTextWidget()

Get the TExt widget assoited with the currently active cell.

Widget AddText(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &text)

Add text to a specified cell in the table.

Widget AddHeader(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &text)

Set a specified cell to be a table header.

std::string GetCSS(const std::string &setting)

Get a CSS value for the currently active cell.

virtual bool OK(std::stringstream &ss, bool verbose = false, const std::string &prefix = "")

Debugging function.

Protected Types

using parent_t = internal::WidgetFacet<TableWidget>

Protected Functions

internal::TableInfo *Info()

Get a properly cast version of info.

const internal::TableInfo *Info() const
void DoCSS(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

void DoAttr(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

void DoListen(const std::string &event_name, size_t fun_id)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

Protected Attributes

size_t cur_row
size_t cur_col
class TableWidget : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<TableWidget>
#include <Table.h>

Subclassed by emp::web::Table, emp::web::TableCell, emp::web::TableCol, emp::web::TableColGroup, emp::web::TableRow, emp::web::TableRowGroup

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = internal::TableInfo

Public Functions

TableWidget(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &in_id = "")
TableWidget(const TableWidget &in)
TableWidget(const Widget &in)
virtual ~TableWidget()
size_t GetNumCols() const
size_t GetNumRows() const
size_t GetNumCells() const
virtual void PrepareAppend()

Setup << operator to redirect to Append; option preparation can be overridden.

size_t GetCurRow() const

Determine which row currnetly has focus.

size_t GetCurCol() const

Determine which column currently has focus.

void ClearTable()
void ClearRows()
void ClearRow(size_t r)
void ClearCol(size_t c)
void ClearRowGroup(size_t r)
void ClearColGroup(size_t c)
void ClearCells()
void ClearCell(size_t r, size_t c)
TableCell GetCell(size_t r, size_t c)

Focus on a specifc cell in the table.

TableRow GetRow(size_t r)

Focus on a specifc row in the table.

TableCol GetCol(size_t c)

Focus on a specifc column in the table.

TableRowGroup GetRowGroup(size_t r)

Focus on a specifc group of rows in the table.

TableColGroup GetColGroup(size_t c)

Focus on a specifc group of columns in the table.

Table GetTable()

Focus on a the entire table.

web::Text GetTextWidget()

Get the TExt widget assoited with the currently active cell.

Widget AddText(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &text)

Add text to a specified cell in the table.

Widget AddHeader(size_t r, size_t c, const std::string &text)

Set a specified cell to be a table header.

std::string GetCSS(const std::string &setting)

Get a CSS value for the currently active cell.

virtual bool OK(std::stringstream &ss, bool verbose = false, const std::string &prefix = "")

Debugging function.

Protected Types

using parent_t = internal::WidgetFacet<TableWidget>

Protected Functions

internal::TableInfo *Info()

Get a properly cast version of info.

const internal::TableInfo *Info() const
TableWidget(internal::TableInfo *in_info, size_t _row = 0, size_t _col = 0)
void DoCSS(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

void DoAttr(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

void DoListen(const std::string &event_name, size_t fun_id)

Apply CSS to appropriate component based on current state.

Protected Attributes

size_t cur_row
size_t cur_col


friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo
namespace internal
struct TableColInfo
#include <Table.h>

Public Members

WidgetExtras extras
struct TableDataInfo
#include <Table.h>

Public Functions

bool OK(std::stringstream &ss, bool verbose = false, const std::string &prefix = "")

Debug function to determine if this datum is structually consistent.

Public Members

size_t colspan =1

How many columns wide is this TableData?

size_t rowspan =1

How many rows deep is this TableData?

bool header =false

Is this TableData a header (



bool masked =false

Is this cell masked by another cell?

WidgetExtras extras

Extra annotations (attributes, style, listeners)

emp::vector<Widget> children

Widgets contained in this cell.

struct TableGroupInfo : public emp::web::WidgetExtras
#include <Table.h>

Public Members

size_t span = 1
bool masked = false

How many rows/columns does this group represent?

WidgetExtras extras

Is the current group masked because of a previous span?

class TableInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Table.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

TableInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")

Which col is triggering an append?

TableInfo(const TableInfo&)
TableInfo &operator=(const TableInfo&)
virtual ~TableInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsTableInfo() const
void Resize(size_t new_rows, size_t new_cols)
void DoActivate(bool top_level = true)
web::Text &GetTextWidget(size_t r, size_t c)
web::Text &GetTextWidget()
Widget Append(Widget in)
Widget Append(const std::string &text)
Widget Append(const std::function<std::string()> &in_fun)
void AddChild(size_t r, size_t c, Widget in)
void AddChild(Widget in)
void RegisterChildren(internal::DivInfo *regestrar)
void UnregisterChildren(internal::DivInfo *regestrar)
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void ClearCellChildren(size_t row_id, size_t col_id)
void ClearRowChildren(size_t row_id)
void ClearColChildren(size_t col_id)
void ClearRowGroupChildren(size_t row_id)
void ClearColGroupChildren(size_t col_id)
void ClearTableChildren()
void ClearCell(size_t row_id, size_t col_id)
void ClearRowCells(size_t row_id)
void ClearColCells(size_t col_id)
void ClearRow(size_t row_id)
void ClearCol(size_t col_id)
void ClearRowGroup(size_t row_id)
void ClearColGroup(size_t col_id)
void ClearTableCells()
void ClearTableRows()
void ClearTable()
bool OK(std::stringstream &ss, bool verbose = false, const std::string &prefix = "")
void ReplaceHTML()

Protected Attributes

size_t row_count
size_t col_count

How big is this table?

emp::vector<TableRowInfo> rows
emp::vector<TableColInfo> cols

Detail object for each row.

emp::vector<TableGroupInfo> col_groups

Detail object for each column (if needed)

emp::vector<TableGroupInfo> row_groups

Detail object for each column group (if needed)

size_t append_row

Detail object for each row group (if needed)

size_t append_col

Which row is triggering an append?

Private Members

friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableWidget
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::Table
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableCell
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableRow
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableCol
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableRowGroup
friend emp::web::internal::TableInfo::TableColGroup
struct TableRowInfo
#include <Table.h>

Public Functions

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
TableRowInfo &CellsCSS(const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to all cells in row.

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
TableRowInfo &CellCSS(size_t col_id, const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Apply CSS to specific cell in row.

bool OK(std::stringstream &ss, bool verbose = false, const std::string &prefix = "")

Debug function to determine if this row is structually consistent.

Public Members

emp::vector<TableDataInfo> data

detail object for each cell in this row.

WidgetExtras extras

Extra annotations (attributes, style, listeners)


Specs for the Text widget.

A representation of text on a web page. Text Widgets can be included inside of Divs or Tables to cordon off a section of text (and will be automatically created when text is streamed into these other widgets). The primary benefit of explicitly creating your own text widget is to control the text style.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Text : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<Text>
#include <Text.h>

A Text widget handles putting text on a web page that can be controlled and modified.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = TextInfo

Public Functions

Text(const std::string &in_id = "")
Text(const Text &in)
Text(const Widget &in)
Text &Clear()

Erase current text.

Protected Functions

TextInfo *Info()
const TextInfo *Info() const
Text(TextInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::TextInfo
class TextInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <Text.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

TextInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
TextInfo(const TextInfo&)
TextInfo &operator=(const TextInfo&)
virtual ~TextInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsTextInfo() const
bool AppendOK() const
void PreventAppend()
Widget Append(const std::string &in_text)

Add new text to this string.

Widget Append(const std::function<std::string()> &in_fun)

Add a function that produces text to this widget. Every time the widget is re-drawn, the function will be re-run to get the latest version of the text. When a Live() function wraps a variable it simply makes sure that this version of Append is called so that the value of the variable is kept live.

virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)

Protected Attributes

DynamicString strings

All string (and functions returning strings) in Text widget.

bool append_ok

Can this Text widget be extended?

Private Members

friend emp::web::Text::TextInfo::Text

Text Areas

Specs for the TextArea widget.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class TextArea : public emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet<TextArea>
#include <TextArea.h>

An input field for text data. A function provided at creation time will be called each time the contents of the TextWidget are changed. The current text contents can also always be accessed with the GetText() member function.

Public Types

using INFO_TYPE = TextAreaInfo

Public Functions

TextArea(const std::string &in_id = "")

Build a text area with a specified HTML identifier.

TextArea(std::function<void(const std::string&)> in_cb, const std::string &in_id = "", )

Build a text area with a specified function to call with every change.

TextArea(const TextArea &in)

Connect to an existing TextArea.

TextArea(const Widget &in)
virtual ~TextArea()
const std::string &GetText() const

Get the current text in this TextArea.

TextArea &SetAutofocus(bool in_af)

Make this text area have focus by default.

TextArea &SetCallback(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &in_cb)

Change the callback function for this TextArea.

TextArea &SetDisabled(bool in_dis)

Gray out this text area.

TextArea &SetText(const std::string &in_text)

Set the text contained in the text area.

bool HasAutofocus() const

Does this widget have auto focus set?

bool IsDisabled() const

Is this widget currently disabled?

Protected Functions

TextAreaInfo *Info()
const TextAreaInfo *Info() const
TextArea(TextAreaInfo *in_info)


friend emp::web::TextAreaInfo
class TextAreaInfo : public emp::web::internal::WidgetInfo
#include <TextArea.h>

Public Functions

virtual std::string GetType()

Protected Functions

TextAreaInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")
TextAreaInfo(const TextAreaInfo&)
TextAreaInfo &operator=(const TextAreaInfo&)
virtual ~TextAreaInfo()
std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsTextAreaInfo() const
void DoCallback(std::string in_text)
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &HTML)
void UpdateAutofocus(bool in_af)
void UpdateCallback(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &in_cb)
void UpdateDisabled(bool in_dis)
void UpdateText(const std::string &in_string)

Protected Attributes

int cols

How many columns of text in the area?

int rows

How many rows of text in the area?

int max_length

Maximum number of total characters allowed.

std::string cur_text

Text that should currently be in the box.

bool autofocus

Should this TextArea be set as Autofocus?

bool disabled

Should this TextArea be disabled?

std::function<void(const std::string&)> callback

Function to call with each keypress.

uint32_t callback_id

Callback ID the built-in function for this text area.

Private Members

friend emp::web::TextArea::TextAreaInfo::TextArea


A Tween manages the gradual shift in properties of one or more widgets over time.

To create a Tween, a duration must be specified, along with an optional default target. Once a Tween is setup, paths can be added to it, which represent the changes that should occur over the specified duration.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

A path can be a function to call (with the 0.0 to 1.0 fraction of the time that’s gone by) or a variable to set to the current fraction. Dependants can also be set to refresh with each Tween update.

Available methods include: Tween & AddPath(std::function<void(double)> set_fun, double start_val, double end_val, std::function<double(double)> timing=LINEAR); Tween & AddPath(double & set_var, double start_val, double end_val, std::function<double(double)> timing=LINEAR); Tween & AddDependant(Widget w); void Start(); void Stop();

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Tween
#include <Tween.h>

Public Functions

Tween(double d = 1.0, const Widget &t = nullptr)

Build a new tween, specifying the duration it should run for and the widget it should modify.

double GetDuration() const

Retrieve the full duration of this Tween.

Widget GetDefaultTarget() const

Which widget does this Tween modify?

Tween &SetDuration(double d)

Change the duration of this Tween.

Tween &SetDefaultTarget(const Widget &w)

Change the target of this tween.

Tween &AddPath(std::function<void(double)> set_fun, double start_val, double end_val, std::function<double(double)> timing = LINEAR)

Alter the path of the change that this tween should take and the function it should call.

Tween &AddPath(double &set_var, double start_val, double end_val, std::function<double(double)> timing = LINEAR)

Alter the path of the change that this tween should take and the variable it should modify.

Tween &AddPath(Widget w, std::string setting, double start_val, double end_val)

Alter the path of the change that this tween should take and the widget setting it should alter. (TODO!)

Tween &AddUpdate(std::function<void(void)> ud_fun)

Add an additional function to update as the Tween runs.

Tween &AddDependant(Widget w)

Add a dependant Widget to update as the Tween runs.

void Start()

Start running this Tween, as configured.

void Stop()

Pause this Tween.

Private Functions

void AdvanceFrame()

Private Members

double duration
Widget default_target
emp::vector<Path *> paths
emp::vector<Event *> events
emp::vector<std::function<void()>> update_funs
emp::vector<Widget> dependants
bool running
size_t callback_id
double start_time
double cur_time
double run_time

Private Static Functions

static double LINEAR(double in)
struct Event

Public Members

double time
std::function<void()> trigger
struct Path

Public Functions

void Set(const double frac)

Public Members

std::function<void(double)> set_fun
double start_val
double end_val
std::function<double(double)> timing


Widgets maintain individual components on a web page and link to Elements.

Each HTML Widget has all of its details stored in a WidgetInfo object; Multiple Widgets can be attached to the same WidgetInfo, simplifying the usage. All the library user needs to worry about is the Widget object itself; the WidgetInfo will be managed behind the scenes.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

WidgetInfo contains the basic information for all Widgets Widget is a generic base class, with a shared pointer to WidgetInfo WidgetFacet is a template that allows Set* methods to return derived return-type.

In other files, Widgets will be used to define specific elements. ELEMENTInfo maintains information about the specific widget (derived from WidgetInfo) ELEMENT interfaces to ELEMENTInfo so multiple elements use same core; derived from WidgetFacet

Library users should not need to access Widgets directly, only specific derived types.

Tips for using widgets:

  1. If you are about to make a lot of changes at once, run Freeze(), make the changes, and then run Activate() again. Freeze prevents widgets from being updated immediately.
  2. Trust the Widget to handle all of the manipulation behind the scenes

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
class Widget
#include <Widget.h>

Widget is effectively a smart pointer to a WidgetInfo object, plus some basic accessors.

Subclassed by emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< RETURN_TYPE >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Button >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Canvas >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< D3Visualization >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Div >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< FileInput >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Image >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Selector >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< TableWidget >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< Text >, emp::web::internal::WidgetFacet< TextArea >

Public Functions

Widget(const std::string &id)

When Widgets are first created, they should be provided with an ID.

Widget(WidgetInfo *in_info = nullptr)
Widget(const Widget &in)
Widget &operator=(const Widget &in)
bool IsNull() const

Test if this widget is valid.

std::string InfoTypeName() const

Some debugging helpers…

bool IsInactive() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently INACTIVE.

bool IsWaiting() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently WAITING.

bool IsFrozen() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently FROZEN.

bool IsActive() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently ACTIVE.

bool AppendOK() const

Is it okay to add more internal Widgets into this one?

void PreventAppend()

Disallow further appending to this Widget.

bool IsButton() const

Is this Widget a Button?

bool IsCanvas() const

Is this Widget a Canvas?

bool IsImage() const

Is this Widget an Image?

bool IsSelector() const

Is this Widget a Selector?

bool IsDiv() const

Is this Widget a Div?

bool IsTable() const

Is this Widget a Table?

bool IsText() const

Is this Widget a Text?

const std::string &GetID() const

What is the HTML string ID for this Widget?

std::string GetCSS(const std::string &setting)

Retrieve a specific CSS trait associated with this Widget. Note: CSS-related options may be overridden in derived classes that have multiple styles.

bool HasCSS(const std::string &setting)

Determine is a CSS trait has been set on this Widget.

std::string GetAttr(const std::string &setting)

Retrieve a specific attribute associated with this Widget.

bool HasAttr(const std::string &setting)

Determine is an attribute has been set on this Widget.

bool operator==(const Widget &in) const

Are two Widgets refering to the same HTML object?

bool operator!=(const Widget &in) const

Are two Widgets refering to differnt HTML objects?

operator bool() const

Conver Widget to bool (I.e., is this Widget active?)

double GetXPos()

Get the X-position of this Widget within its parent.

double GetYPos()

Get the Y-position of this Widget within its parent.

double GetWidth()

Get the width of this Widget on screen.

double GetHeight()

Get the height of this Widget on screen.

double GetInnerWidth()

Get the width of this Widget not including padding.

double GetInnerHeight()

Get the height of this Widget not including padding.

double GetOuterWidth()

Get the width of this Widget including all padding.

double GetOuterHeight()

Get the height of this Widget including all padding.

void Activate()

Make this widget live, so changes occur immediately (once document is ready)

void Freeze()

Record changes internally, but keep static screen until Activate() is called.

void Deactivate(bool top_level = true)

Record changes internally and REMOVE from screen until Activate is called. (Argument is for recursive, internal use only.)

bool ToggleActive()

Doggle between Active and Deactivated.

void Redraw()

Clear and redraw the current widget on the screen.

Widget &Find(const std::string &test_name)

Look up previously created elements, by type.

Widget &AddDependant(const Widget &w)

Add a dependant to this Widget that should be redrawn when it is.

virtual void PrepareAppend()

Setup << operator to redirect to Append; option preparation can be overridden.

template <typename IN_TYPE>
Widget operator<<(IN_TYPE &&in_val)
std::string GetInfoType() const


Protected Types

enum ActivityState

Four activity states for any widget: INACTIVE - Not be in DOM at all. WAITING - Will become active once the page finishes loading. FROZEN - Part of DOM, but not updating on the screen. ACTIVE - Fully active; changes are reflected as they happen.


using WidgetInfo = internal::WidgetInfo

Protected Functions

template <typename FWD_TYPE>
Widget &ForwardAppend(FWD_TYPE &&arg)

If an Append doesn’t work with current class, forward it to the parent and try there.

Widget &SetInfo(WidgetInfo *in_info)

Set the information associated with this widget.

WidgetInfo *operator->()

Internally, we can treat a Widget as a pointer to its WidgetInfo.

Protected Attributes

WidgetInfo *info

Information associated with this widget.

Protected Static Functions

static WidgetInfo *Info(const Widget &w)

Give derived classes the ability to access widget info.

Protected Static Attributes

const std::string no_name = "(none)"

Default name for un-initialized widgets.

namespace internal


static size_t NextWidgetNum(bool inc_num = true)

Quick method for generating unique Widget ID numbers when not otherwise specified.

static std::string NextWidgetID()

Quick method for generating unique string IDs for Widgets.

class WidgetCommand
#include <Widget.h>

Base class for command-objects that can be fed into widgets.

Subclassed by emp::web::Close, emp::web::PrintStr

Public Functions

virtual ~WidgetCommand()
virtual bool Trigger(WidgetInfo&) const = 0
template <typename RETURN_TYPE>
class WidgetFacet : public emp::web::Widget
#include <Widget.h>

WidgetFacet is a template that provides accessors into Widget with a derived return type.

Public Types

using return_t = RETURN_TYPE

Public Functions

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
return_t &SetCSS(const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Set a specific CSS value for this widget.

template <typename SETTING_TYPE>
return_t &SetAttr(const std::string &setting, SETTING_TYPE &&value)

Set a specific Attribute value for this widget.

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... OTHER_SETTINGS>
return_t &SetCSS(const std::string &setting1, T1 &&val1, const std::string &setting2, T2 &&val2, OTHER_SETTINGS... others)

Multiple CSS settings can be provided simultaneously.

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... OTHER_SETTINGS>
return_t &SetAttr(const std::string &setting1, T1 &&val1, const std::string &setting2, T2 &&val2, OTHER_SETTINGS... others)

Multiple Attributes can be provided simultaneously.

return_t &SetCSS(const Style &in_style)

Allow multiple CSS settings to be provided as a single object. (still go through DoCSS given need for virtual re-routing.)

return_t &SetAttr(const Attributes &in_attr)

Allow multiple Attr settings to be provided as a single object. (still go through DoAttr given need for virtual re-routing.)

return_t &On(const std::string &event_name, const std::function<void()> &fun)

Provide an event and a function that will be called when that event is triggered. In this case, the function as no arguments.

return_t &On(const std::string &event_name, const std::function<void(MouseEvent evt)> &fun)

Provide an event and a function that will be called when that event is triggered. In this case, the function takes a mouse event as an argument, with full info about mouse.

return_t &On(const std::string &event_name, const std::function<void(double, double)> &fun)

Provide an event and a function that will be called when that event is triggered. In this case, the function takes two doubles which will be filled in with mouse coordinates.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnResize(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called when the window is resized.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnClick(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called when the mouse button is clicked in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnDoubleClick(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called when the mouse button is double clicked in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseDown(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called when the mouse button is pushed down in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseUp(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called when the mouse button is released in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseMove(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever the mouse moves in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseOut(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever the mouse leaves the Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseOver(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever the mouse moves over the Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnMouseWheel(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever the mouse wheel moves in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnKeydown(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever a key is pressed down in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnKeypress(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever a key is pressed down and released in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnKeyup(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever a key is pressed released in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnCopy(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever text is copied in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnCut(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever text is cut in this Widget.

template <typename T>
return_t &OnPaste(T &&arg)

Provide a function to be called whenever text is pasted in this Widget.

return_t &SetWidth(double w, const std::string &unit = "px")

Update the width of this Widget.

  • unit: defaults to pixels (“px”), but can also be a measured distance (e.g, “inches”) or a percentage(“%”)

return_t &SetHeight(double h, const std::string &unit = "px")

Update the height of this Widget.

  • unit: defaults to pixels (“px”), but can also be a measured distance (e.g, “inches”) or a percentage(“%”)

return_t &SetSize(double w, double h, const std::string &unit = "px")

Update the size (width and height) of this widget.

  • unit: defaults to pixels (“px”), but can also be a measured distance (e.g, “inches”) or a percentage(“%”)

return_t &Center()

Move this widget to the center of its container.

return_t &SetPosition(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px", const std::string &pos_type = "absolute", const std::string &x_anchor = "left", const std::string &y_anchor = "top")

Set the x-y position of this widget within its container.

return_t &SetPositionRT(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of this Widget within its container, using the TOP-RIGHT as an anchor.

return_t &SetPositionRB(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of this Widget within its container, using the BOTTOM-RIGHT as an anchor.

return_t &SetPositionLB(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of this Widget within its container, using the BOTTOM-LEFT as an anchor.

return_t &SetPositionFixed(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of this Widget, fixed within the browser window.

return_t &SetPositionFixedRT(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of the top-right corner this Widget, fixed within the browser window.

return_t &SetPositionFixedRB(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of the bottom-right corner this Widget, fixed within the browser window.

return_t &SetPositionFixedLB(int x, int y, const std::string &unit = "px")

Set the x-y position of the bottom-left corner this Widget, fixed within the browser window.

return_t &SetFloat(const std::string &f = "left")

Set this Widget to float appropriately within its containter.

return_t &SetOverflow(const std::string &o = "auto")

Setup how this Widget should handle overflow.

return_t &SetScroll()

Setup how this Widget to always have scrollbars.

return_t &SetScrollAuto()

Setup how this Widget to have scrollbars if needed for overflow.

return_t &SetResizable()

Setup how this Widget to be user-resizable.

return_t &SetResizableX()

Setup how this Widget for the x only to be user-resizable.

return_t &SetResizableY()

Setup how this Widget for the y only to be user-resizable.

return_t &SetResizableOff()

Setup how this Widget to NOT be resizable.

return_t &SetFont(const Font &font)

Provide a Font object to setup the font for this widget.

return_t &SetFont(const std::string &font)

Setup the Font to be used in this Widget.

return_t &SetFontSize(int s)

Setup the size of the Font to be used in this Widget.

return_t &SetFontSizeVW(double s)

Setup the size of the Font to be used in this Widget in units of % of viewport width.

return_t &SetCenterText()

Align text to be centered.

return_t &SetBackground(const std::string &v)

Set the background color of this Widget.

return_t &SetColor(const std::string &v)

Set the foreground color of this Widget.

return_t &SetOpacity(double v)

Set the opacity level of this Widget.

return_t &SetBorder(const std::string &border_info)

Set information about the Widget board.

return_t &SetPadding(double p, const std::string &unit = "px")

The the number of pixels (or alternate unit) for the padding around cells (used with Tables)

bool IsNull() const

Test if this widget is valid.

std::string InfoTypeName() const

Some debugging helpers…

bool IsInactive() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently INACTIVE.

bool IsWaiting() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently WAITING.

bool IsFrozen() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently FROZEN.

bool IsActive() const

Test if the activity state of this widget is currently ACTIVE.

bool AppendOK() const

Is it okay to add more internal Widgets into this one?

void PreventAppend()

Disallow further appending to this Widget.

bool IsButton() const

Is this Widget a Button?

bool IsCanvas() const

Is this Widget a Canvas?

bool IsImage() const

Is this Widget an Image?

bool IsSelector() const

Is this Widget a Selector?

bool IsDiv() const

Is this Widget a Div?

bool IsTable() const

Is this Widget a Table?

bool IsText() const

Is this Widget a Text?

const std::string &GetID() const

What is the HTML string ID for this Widget?

std::string GetCSS(const std::string &setting)

Retrieve a specific CSS trait associated with this Widget. Note: CSS-related options may be overridden in derived classes that have multiple styles.

bool HasCSS(const std::string &setting)

Determine is a CSS trait has been set on this Widget.

std::string GetAttr(const std::string &setting)

Retrieve a specific attribute associated with this Widget.

bool HasAttr(const std::string &setting)

Determine is an attribute has been set on this Widget.

bool operator==(const Widget &in) const

Are two Widgets refering to the same HTML object?

bool operator!=(const Widget &in) const

Are two Widgets refering to differnt HTML objects?

operator bool() const

Conver Widget to bool (I.e., is this Widget active?)

double GetXPos()

Get the X-position of this Widget within its parent.

double GetYPos()

Get the Y-position of this Widget within its parent.

double GetWidth()

Get the width of this Widget on screen.

double GetHeight()

Get the height of this Widget on screen.

double GetInnerWidth()

Get the width of this Widget not including padding.

double GetInnerHeight()

Get the height of this Widget not including padding.

double GetOuterWidth()

Get the width of this Widget including all padding.

double GetOuterHeight()

Get the height of this Widget including all padding.

void Activate()

Make this widget live, so changes occur immediately (once document is ready)

void Freeze()

Record changes internally, but keep static screen until Activate() is called.

void Deactivate(bool top_level = true)

Record changes internally and REMOVE from screen until Activate is called. (Argument is for recursive, internal use only.)

bool ToggleActive()

Doggle between Active and Deactivated.

void Redraw()

Clear and redraw the current widget on the screen.

Widget &Find(const std::string &test_name)

Look up previously created elements, by type.

Widget &AddDependant(const Widget &w)

Add a dependant to this Widget that should be redrawn when it is.

virtual void PrepareAppend()

Setup << operator to redirect to Append; option preparation can be overridden.

template <typename IN_TYPE>
Widget operator<<(IN_TYPE &&in_val)
std::string GetInfoType() const


Protected Types

enum ActivityState

Four activity states for any widget: INACTIVE - Not be in DOM at all. WAITING - Will become active once the page finishes loading. FROZEN - Part of DOM, but not updating on the screen. ACTIVE - Fully active; changes are reflected as they happen.


using WidgetInfo = internal::WidgetInfo

Protected Functions

WidgetFacet(const std::string &in_id = "")

WidgetFacet cannot be built unless within derived class, so constructors are protected.

WidgetFacet(const WidgetFacet &in)
WidgetFacet(const Widget &in)
WidgetFacet(WidgetInfo *in_info)
WidgetFacet &operator=(const WidgetFacet &in)
virtual ~WidgetFacet()
virtual void DoCSS(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

CSS-related options may be overridden in derived classes that have multiple styles. By default DoCSS will track the new information and apply it (if active) to the widget.

virtual void DoAttr(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value)

Attr-related options may be overridden in derived classes that have multiple attributes. By default DoAttr will track the new information and apply it (if active) to the widget.

virtual void DoListen(const std::string &event_name, size_t fun_id)

Listener options may be overridden in derived classes that have multiple listen targets. By default DoListen will track new listens and set them up immediately, if active.

template <typename FWD_TYPE>
Widget &ForwardAppend(FWD_TYPE &&arg)

If an Append doesn’t work with current class, forward it to the parent and try there.

Widget &SetInfo(WidgetInfo *in_info)

Set the information associated with this widget.

WidgetInfo *operator->()

Internally, we can treat a Widget as a pointer to its WidgetInfo.

Protected Attributes

WidgetInfo *info

Information associated with this widget.

Protected Static Functions

static WidgetInfo *Info(const Widget &w)

Give derived classes the ability to access widget info.

Protected Static Attributes

const std::string no_name = "(none)"

Default name for un-initialized widgets.

class WidgetInfo
#include <Widget.h>

Subclassed by emp::web::Button::ButtonInfo, emp::web::Canvas::CanvasInfo, emp::web::D3Visualization::D3VisualizationInfo, emp::web::FileInput::FileInputInfo, emp::web::Image::ImageInfo, emp::web::internal::DivInfo, emp::web::internal::TableInfo, emp::web::Selector::SelectorInfo, emp::web::Text::TextInfo, emp::web::TextArea::TextAreaInfo

Public Functions

WidgetInfo(const std::string &in_id = "")

WidgetInfo cannot be built unless within derived class, so constructor is protected.

WidgetInfo(const WidgetInfo&)

No copies of INFO allowed.

WidgetInfo &operator=(const WidgetInfo&)
virtual ~WidgetInfo()
virtual std::string TypeName() const

Debugging helpers…

virtual bool IsButtonInfo() const
virtual bool IsCanvasInfo() const
virtual bool IsImageInfo() const
virtual bool IsSelectorInfo() const
virtual bool IsDivInfo() const
virtual bool IsTableInfo() const
virtual bool IsTextInfo() const
virtual bool IsTextAreaInfo() const
virtual bool IsD3VisualiationInfo() const
virtual void Register_recurse(Widget &w)
virtual void Register(Widget &w)
virtual void Unregister_recurse(Widget &w)
virtual void Unregister(Widget &w)
virtual void RegisterChildren(DivInfo *registrar)
virtual void UnregisterChildren(DivInfo *regestrar)
void AddDependant(Widget in)
template <typename... T>
void AddDependants(Widget first, T... widgets)
void AddDependants()
void UpdateDependants()
virtual void DoActivate(bool top_level = true)
virtual bool AppendOK() const
virtual void PreventAppend()
virtual Widget Append(const std::string &text)
virtual Widget Append(const std::function<std::string()> &fn)
virtual Widget Append(Widget info)
virtual Widget Append(const Font &font)
virtual Widget Append(char in_char)
virtual Widget Append(double in_num)
virtual Widget Append(int in_num)
virtual Widget Append(uint32_t in_num)
virtual Widget Append(const emp::web::internal::WidgetCommand &cmd)
template <typename FWD_TYPE>
Widget ForwardAppend(FWD_TYPE &&arg)
virtual void GetHTML(std::stringstream &ss) = 0
virtual void TriggerJS()
virtual void ReplaceHTML()
virtual std::string GetType()

Public Members

int ptr_count

How many widgets are pointing to this info?

std::string id

ID used for associated DOM element.

WidgetExtras extras

HTML attributes, CSS style, and listeners for web events.

WidgetInfo *parent

Which WidgetInfo is this one contained within?

emp::vector<Widget> dependants

Widgets to be refreshed if this one is triggered.

Widget::ActivityState state

Is this element active in DOM?

A collection of extra details about HTML Widgets (attributes, style, listerns)

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace emp

If we are in emscripten, make sure to include the header.

This file contains extra analysis tools to use with systematics managers that have non-null DATA_TYPES.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

This file contains functions for adding additional data files to Worlds.

This file is part of Empirical, https://github.com/devosoft/Empirical
Copyright (C) Michigan State University, MIT Software license; see doc/LICENSE.md

namespace web
struct WidgetExtras
#include <WidgetExtras.h>

Subclassed by emp::web::internal::TableGroupInfo

Public Functions

template <typename SET_TYPE>
void SetStyle(const std::string &s, SET_TYPE v)
bool HasStyle(const std::string &setting) const
const std::string &GetStyle(const std::string &setting)
void RemoveStyle(const std::string &setting)
template <typename SET_TYPE>
void SetAttr(const std::string &s, SET_TYPE v)
bool HasAttr(const std::string &setting) const
const std::string &GetAttr(const std::string &setting)
void RemoveAttr(const std::string &setting)
void Apply(const std::string &name)

Apply all HTML details associated with this widget.

void Clear()

Clear all of style, attributes, and listeners.

operator bool() const

Have any details been set?

Public Members

Style style

CSS Style.

Attributes attr

HTML Attributes about a cell.

Listeners listen

Listen for web events.