Tools to build D3 visualizations.
namespace emp
namespace web
class D3Visualization : public internal::WidgetFacet<D3Visualization>
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
Subclassed by emp::web::TreeVisualization< TreeNode >, emp::web::TreeVisualization< SpatialGridTreeNode >, emp::web::DotPlot, emp::web::HeatMap, emp::web::HistogramChart< DATA_TYPE, X_SCALE_TYPE, Y_SCALE_TYPE >, emp::web::LineGraph< DATA_TYPE, X_SCALE_TYPE, Y_SCALE_TYPE >, emp::web::TreeVisualization< NODE >
Public Types
using INFO_TYPE = D3VisualizationInfo
Public Functions
inline D3Visualization(const D3Visualization &in)
inline virtual ~D3Visualization()
inline int GetWidth() const
inline int GetHeight() const
inline virtual void Setup()
inline void SetDrawCallback(std::string func)
This callback function will be called every time data is done being drawn. Can be a string representing the name of a function in Javascript (can be in the current window, the emp namespace, or the d3 namespace)
inline void CallDrawCallback()
Protected Functions
inline D3VisualizationInfo *Info()
inline const D3VisualizationInfo *Info() const
inline D3Visualization(D3VisualizationInfo *in_info)
- friend class D3VisualizationInfo
class D3VisualizationInfo : public internal::WidgetInfo
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
Protected Functions
inline D3VisualizationInfo(D3Visualization *parent, const std::string &in_id = "")
D3VisualizationInfo(const D3VisualizationInfo&) = delete
D3VisualizationInfo &operator=(const D3VisualizationInfo&) = delete
inline virtual ~D3VisualizationInfo()
inline void TriggerJS() override
Private Members
- friend D3Visualization
inline D3VisualizationInfo(D3Visualization *parent, const std::string &in_id = "")
using INFO_TYPE = D3VisualizationInfo
class DotPlot : public emp::web::D3Visualization
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
class HeatMap : public emp::web::D3Visualization
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
Public Functions
inline virtual void Setup()
inline virtual void Setup()
template<typename DATA_TYPE = int, typename X_SCALE_TYPE = D3::LinearScale, typename Y_SCALE_TYPE = D3::LinearScale>
class HistogramChart : public emp::web::D3Visualization - #include <visualizations.hpp>
Public Functions
inline virtual void Setup()
inline virtual void Setup()
template<typename DATA_TYPE = array<double, 2>, typename X_SCALE_TYPE = D3::LinearScale, typename Y_SCALE_TYPE = D3::LinearScale>
class LineGraph : public emp::web::D3Visualization - #include <visualizations.hpp>
Public Functions
inline ~LineGraph()
inline virtual void Setup()
Initializes the graph. This function is called automatically when the Document this has been added to is ready.
inline X_SCALE_TYPE *GetXScale()
inline Y_SCALE_TYPE *GetYScale()
inline D3::Axis<X_SCALE_TYPE> *GetXAxis()
inline D3::Axis<Y_SCALE_TYPE> *GetYAxis()
inline D3::LineGenerator *GetLineGenerator()
inline D3::CSVDataset *GetDataset()
inline void SetXScale(X_SCALE_TYPE *scale)
inline void SetYScale(Y_SCALE_TYPE *scale)
inline void SetXAxis(D3::Axis<X_SCALE_TYPE> *ax)
inline void SetYAxis(D3::Axis<Y_SCALE_TYPE> *ax)
inline void SetLineGenerator(D3::LineGenerator *line)
inline void SetDataset(D3::CSVDataset *d)
inline void SetXAccessor(std::string func)
Set the function that is used to get the x variable from within a DATA_TYPE object. For instance, the default accessor assumes that DATA_TYPE is an array with two elements (x, y):
[](DATA_TYPE d) {return d[0];}
This accessor will be fed into the x_scale to get x values scaled to the plotting area. Can be a string representing the name of a function in Javascript (can be in the current window, the emp namespace, or the d3 namespace)
inline void SetYAccessor(std::string func)
Set the function that is used to get the y variable from within a DATA_TYPE object. For instance, the default accessor assumes that DATA_TYPE is an array with two elements (x, y):
[](DATA_TYPE d) {return d[1];}
This accessor will be fed into the y_scale to get y values scaled to the plotting area. Can be a string representing the name of a function in Javascript (can be in the current window, the emp namespace, or the d3 namespace)
inline void DrawPointsFromDataset()
Draw points and lines for data in this object’s dataset object.
inline void LoadDataFromFile(std::string filename)
Load data from the file at [filename]. Expected to be a CSV dataset.
inline void AddDataPoint(DATA_TYPE data_point)
Smoothly (i.e. with animation) add data_point to the graph.
template<typename T>
inline void Redraw(D3::SelectionOrTransition<T> &s) Redraws all data on the given selection or transition, which should contain an SVG canvas. Useful if you’ve adjusted scales.
inline void DrawData(bool backlog = false)
inline void Clear()
Protected Attributes
double y_min = 1000
double y_max = 0
double x_min = 1000
double x_max = 0
X_SCALE_TYPE *x_scale
Y_SCALE_TYPE *y_scale
D3::Axis<X_SCALE_TYPE> *x_axis
D3::Axis<Y_SCALE_TYPE> *y_axis
D3::LineGenerator *line_gen
D3::CSVDataset *dataset
inline ~LineGraph()
struct TreeDataNode
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
struct TreeNode
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
template<typename NODE = TreeNode>
class TreeVisualization : public emp::web::D3Visualization - #include <visualizations.hpp>
Public Functions
inline TreeVisualization(int width = 800, int height = 400)
inline virtual void Setup()
inline D3::TreeLayout<NODE> *GetTreeLayout()
inline D3::JSONDataset *GetDataset()
inline void SetDataset(D3::JSONDataset *d)
inline void AddDataPoint(int parent, int child)
inline void DrawTree()
inline void Clear()
Protected Functions
inline void InitializeVariables()
inline TreeVisualization(int width = 800, int height = 400)
template<typename NODE = TreeNode>
class TreeVisualizationReplacement : public emp::web::TreeVisualization<TreeNode> - #include <visualizations.hpp>
struct SpatialGridTreeNode
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
template<typename NODE = SpatialGridTreeNode, template<typename> class TREE_TYPE = TreeVisualization>
class SpatialGridTreeVisualization : public emp::web::TreeVisualization<SpatialGridTreeNode> - #include <visualizations.hpp>
Public Functions
inline SpatialGridTreeVisualization(int width, int height)
inline virtual void Setup()
Public Members
int grid_width = 10
int grid_height = 10
int legend_cell_size = 15
std::function<std::string(NODE, int)> color_fun_node =
[this](NODE d, int i){if (d.loc() < 0) {return std::string("black");}double x = (d.loc() %grid_width) - grid_width/2;double y = (d.loc() /grid_width) - grid_height/2;double r = sqrt(std::pow((int)x,2)+std::pow((int)y,2)) / sqrt(std::pow(grid_width,2)+std::pow(grid_height,2));(void) r;double theta = atan2(y, x)*(180/PI);(void) theta;char * color = (char *) MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM_INT({var text = d3.hcl($1, 150, $0*175).toString();var buffer = Module._malloc(text.length+1);Module.stringToUTF8(text, buffer, lengthBytesUTF8(text)+1);return buffer;}, r, theta);std::string result = std::string(color);free(color);return result;}
std::function<std::string(NODE, int)> dark_color_fun =
[this](NODE d, int i){if (d.loc() < 0) {return std::string("black");}double x = (d.loc() %grid_width) - grid_width/2;double y = (d.loc() /grid_width) - grid_height/2;double r = sqrt(std::pow((int)x,2)+std::pow((int)y,2)) / sqrt(std::pow(grid_width,2)+std::pow(grid_height,2));(void) r;double theta = atan2(y, x)*(180/PI);(void) theta;char * color = (char *) MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM_INT({var text = d3.hcl($1, 150, $0*175).darker().toString();var buffer = Module._malloc(text.length+1);Module.stringToUTF8(text, buffer, lengthBytesUTF8(text)+1);return buffer;}, r, theta);std::string result = std::string(color);free(color);return result;}
std::function<std::string(TreeEdge, int)> color_fun_link =
[this](TreeEdged, int i){return this->color_fun_node(d.source(), i);}
std::function<void(LegendNode, int)> legend_mouseover =
[this](LegendNoded, int il) {legend.SelectAll("rect").Filter([d](LegendNode in_data){return d.loc() != in_data.loc();}).SetClassed("faded", true); GetSVG()->SelectAll(".node").Filter([d](LegendNodein_data){return d.loc() != in_data.loc();}).SetClassed("faded", true);MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM({emp.filter_fun = function(d){return d.source.loc != $0;}}, d.loc());GetSVG()->SelectAll(".link").Filter("filter_fun").SetClassed("faded", true);}
std::function<void(LegendNode, int)> legend_mouseout =
[this](LegendNoded, int i) {legend.SelectAll("rect").Filter([d](LegendNodein_data){return d.loc() != in_data.loc();}).SetClassed("faded", false);GetSVG()->SelectAll(".node").Filter([d](LegendNodein_data){return d.loc() != in_data.loc();}).SetClassed("faded", false);MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM({emp.filter_fun = function(d){return d.source.loc != $0;}}, d.loc());GetSVG()->SelectAll(".link").Filter("filter_fun").SetClassed("faded", false);}
struct LegendNode
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
struct TreeEdge
- #include <visualizations.hpp>
inline SpatialGridTreeVisualization(int width, int height)
class D3Visualization : public internal::WidgetFacet<D3Visualization>
namespace web